HEVATECH & ENOGIA, specialists in waste heat recovery and conversion, join forces to conquer new markets in France and International

The aim of this merger is to combine the two Groups' commercial and industrial expertise to sell innovative decarbonization solutions, better meet customer needs, and increase their market presence in France and abroad.

This partnership is based on a strategy of cross-promotion and the pooling of sales networks. The two groups are committed to promoting each other's technological solutions to their customers and partners, by fostering the complementary nature of their offerings. They intend to multiply growth opportunities while consolidating their positions in France and internationally.

While the partnership is primarily commercial, it is also based on technological synergies. On the one hand, ENOGIA specializes in the conversion of low-temperature heat (80 to 200°C) into electricity, thanks to its compact, innovative ORC machines. On the other, HEVATECH is an expert in higher temperatures, from 200°C with its TURBOSOL two-phase turbine technology, and up to 1000°C with its H2P hot-air engine technology, both of which are highly efficient, particularly in cogeneration (heat and power). These complementary solutions enable the two companies to meet a broader spectrum of energy needs, making them even more attractive to customers.

Together, ENOGIA and HEVATECH are leveraging their know-how, networks and technologies to meet the challenges of the energy transition, while pursuing their commercial ambitions in new markets.

To consult the : Press release ENOGIA / HEVATECH

AID validation of the SUN2P project and commercial opportunity to recover intermittent waste heat

Hevatech has just obtained validation of the final milestone of its SUN2P project funded by AID (Agence Innovation Défense). The project involves combining an H2P machine with an Eco-Tech Ceram thermal storage system, using heat intermittently supplied by a solar concentrator.

AID's objective in this project was to demonstrate the relevance of a solution for producing electricity continuously 24/7, from intermittent solar energy, but without the need for conventional batteries (sovereignty issue and reduction of battery pollution).

The combination of a hot-air engine and thermal storage has been demonstrated. This result means that Hevatech can now pass on to its industrial customers the solutions developed in this project with its partner Eco-Tech Ceram.

For Hevatech, this represents an opportunity to address intermittent (i.e. non-continuous) sources of waste heat in order to generate electricity on a continuous basis - a whole new area of the market ! Indeed, it is estimated that 29% of waste heat above 300°C in Europe is intermittent, i.e. 22 TWh of the 75 TWh forecast for 2023.




See you at ENLIT in Milan !

Hevatech is targeting the Italian market, rich in opportunities for its solutions, with its significant potential for industrial waste heat and its carbon-based electricity.

We're delighted to announce our arrival in Italy, where you can meet us at the French Pavilion of the ENLIT show in Milan, from October 22 to 24, 2024 !




Innovative Hevatech energy recovery system delivered to customer ESSITY

On July 19, our customer ESSITY took delivery of the innovative Hevatech particle filter at its Hondouville site, marking the first phase of the “CalBouVal” project.

The next step is the installation of the H2P technology engine, enabling waste heat to be recovered in the form of compressed air and high-temperature hot air production.

This project, co-financed by the French government as part of France 2030 and operated by ADEME, aims to optimize a process for the calcination of paper sludge from the production of recycled wadding paper by integrating our waste heat recovery system, which can be used to generate hot air and/or electricity.

Hevatech technology will enable ESSITY to decarbonize recycled paper production.

Hevatech validates 2nd milestone in MERSEN customer order

On April 26, our customer MERSEN carried out the technical validation of the system designed to recover flare gases for space heating and electricity production, by combining a burner/exchanger and an H2P engine.

Next step : Delivery to MERSEN's Gennevilliers site !

Completion of the first test phase of the SUN2P project

The SUN2P project combines the coupling of the H2P product line's hot-air engine with a thermal storage device from Eco-Tech Ceram to simulate continuous electrical production from concentrated solar heat.

This first phase of testing simulated the production of solar heat and analyzed the kinetics of the storage/electricity production cycles.

The SUN2P project is part of the RAPID scheme (Régime d'Appui pour l'Innovation Duale) set up by the French Defense Innovation Agency (AID).




Hevatech partner of FIRE 2024

The day dedicated to decarbonized industrial heat returns to Lyon for its tenth edition on September 19, 2024. In a context where the imperatives of decarbonization and energy efficiency are increasingly ambitious and imperative for manufacturers, FIRE will address all the issues relating to decarbonized industrial heat, including our H2P and TURBOSOL waste heat recovery solutions!

Click here to register : FIRE 2024 to register.

Benefit from a discount when you register using our partner code : HEV25 !


Hevatech joins the “New Energy Systems” Strategic Sector Committee

The Comité Stratégique de Filière des Nouveaux Systèmes Energétiques is working to transform the energy transition into an opportunity to reindustrialize our territories. Its founding members EDF, ENGIE, Schneider Electric and Total Energies unite 15,000 companies, 210,000 direct and indirect jobs and €41 billion in sales, around a common roadmap: Driving a competitive energy transition and developing industry.

The work of the CSF New Energy Systems covers the sectors of renewable energies, storage, energy efficiency and energy networks. Scaling up decarbonation technologies is at the heart of current discussions !

Hevatech present at the 5th edition of Energies pour l'industrie at the Lyon Convention Center

Big success for Hevatech at the “Energies pour l'industrie” event dedicated to the energy transition, decarbonization and competitiveness of regional companies.

Our CEO Patrick Bouchard and our Business Development Director Frédéric Thevenod were able to present Turbosol and H2P solutions to industrialists, and new projects are taking shape - it's good for the planet !

Hevatech is the winner of the “IBAC PME” call for projects : Development of technological building blocks and services by SMEs for the decarbonization of industry

The “IBAC PME” call for projects is part of the France 2030 investment plan, one of whose objectives is to support innovation for a low-carbon industry, with a particular focus on SMEs.

Hevatech's winning “ELOT” project aims to improve the process efficiency of the TURBOSOL product line, and extend the range to lower temperatures, in order to valorize waste heat from 200°C upwards.



Hevatech, winner of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes “Transformation of SMEs through innovation” call for projects

This call for projects is part of the France 2030 Program between the French government and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

The “MAEVA” project submitted and awarded aims to develop a service offering for characterizing deposits and optimizing the sizing of Hevatech solutions.


Hevatech integrates H2P technology !

Hevatech, inventor of the TURBOSOL waste heat recovery technology, completes its range of high-temperature solutions with the acquisition of H2P.

Patrick Bouchard, Chairman of Hevatech, comments : “It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we welcome the H2P teams, who have strengthened our areas of expertise and expanded our range of industrial waste heat recovery solutions.

To consult the : Press release HEVATECH / H2P


Participation in the ALLICE 2023 Biennial Congress

On September 19 and 20, 2023, the biennial ALLICE Congress will be held in Paris, focusing on accelerating the decarbonization of industry and its energy transition.

As a sponsor of the Congress, Hevatech will be presenting its two product lines for waste heat recovery, TURBOSOL (flue gases from 300°C) and H2P (flue gases from 600°C).

We look forward to seeing you there !

Hevatech joins the CAPENERGIES competitiveness cluster

The CAPENERGIES competitiveness cluster facilitates the emergence of innovative projects and supports their financing and development to accelerate the Energy Transition in the PACA and DOM TOM regions.

To date, it has almost 520 members, the majority of whom are SMEs and start-ups specializing in energy and related applications.

Since its creation in 2005, nearly 860 innovative projects have been accredited by the cluster.




On Wednesday May 10, 2023, the “Mix Energétique neutre en carbone” (MIX.E) event was held at the Centre de Congrès in Lyon.

Hevatech spoke on the theme of decarbonizing industry, hosted by TENERRDIS. We presented TURBOSOL, our innovative solution for valorizing waste heat. 


Creation of the France Cleantech Industries association

We are delighted to be a co-founder of France Cleantech Industries.

This association of innovative French start-ups and SMEs aims to promote the energy transition and decarbonization of industry in France and Europe.

To consult the : Press release dated 19 April 2023

Hevatech member of the EVOLEN Association

In a multi-energy world, EVOLEN supports Oil, Gas and New Energies players in developing responsible, sustainable and economical solutions to ensure access to energy for all, and accelerate the energy transition.

EVOLEN brings together nearly 250 companies, research centers, training organizations and institutional players, as well as the professionals and experts who bring our industry to life in France and abroad.


Hevatech raises €4 million to accelerate deployment of its solution !

Hevatech announces that it has raised funds from Banque des Territoires, Eren Groupe and two of its historical investors. In the short term, this will enable Hevatech to accelerate recruitment, commercial deployment and industrialization of its solution, as well as the development of its larger power range.

This vote of confidence supports Hevatech's ambition to become a key player in industrial waste-to-energy solutions in the short term.



A look back at the first “Je-Décarbone” event

Officially launched on October 10, the “Je décarbone” platform puts industrial companies with decarbonization needs in touch with suppliers of technological solutions.

Against a backdrop of tighter supplies, rising energy prices and the climate emergency, Je-decarbone's ambition is to help manufacturers become more resilient, while at the same time promoting France's decarbonization, energy savings and raw materials offering.

As part of its launch, a first meeting was organized in Paris, where Hevatech pitched its industrial waste heat recovery solution to a large audience !

The Turbosol process receives the Solar Impulse seal of approval !

The Turbosol solution joins the winners of the Solar Impulse Foundation, Bertrand Piccard's foundation, as an innovative and credible solution that reconciles our environmental challenges with economic profitability for our manufacturers !

To see the link and find out more about the award-winning solutions : Solar Impulse Foundation


Hevatech, winner of GRDF's call for projects dedicated to decarbonization in industry !

In response to the National Low Carbon Strategy, GRDF launched a call for projects from companies likely to provide solutions for: improving the efficiency of gas solutions, recovering waste heat in industry, capturing the carbon emitted by gas processes, and recovering or storing it.

The results have just been announced: Hevatech is the winner in the “Decarbonizing Industry” category.

Hevatech wins ADEME's “Entreprises engagées pour la transition écologique” (EETE) call for projects

As part of the France Relance program, ADEME is launching a call for projects to support companies in launching the industrialization and marketing of new products, or new solutions (post-innovation) presenting positive externalities for the environment.

Hevatech is one of 134 winners !  Many thanks to ADEME for its support !

To consult the : Press release - Results of AAP EETE


Hevatech is winner of the I-NOV Innovation Competition (Wave 5)

The i-Nov competition, part of the PIA (Programme d'investissements d'avenir), supports innovation projects with particularly strong potential for the French economy, carried out by start-ups and SMEs, in order to encourage the emergence of companies that are leaders in their field and can aspire to global stature.

The winning project submitted by AMETIS focuses on turbine optimization and fluid separation for the TURBOSOL process.

To view the : Winners Wave 5




Hevatech acquires new technological resources

Hevatech has acquired a workstation equipped with the Ansys Fluent CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation tool.

Previously entirely outsourced, fluid behavior modeling studies can now be carried out in-house.



Hevatech joins the AXELERA competitiveness cluster

AXELERA is the benchmark competitiveness cluster for chemicals, process industries and the environment.

Since 2005, the cluster has been accelerating the success of its members involved in the controlled management of materials and environmental resources, by promoting development and innovation, to support the creation of value and respond to the climate and environmental emergency.


Hevatech expands its banking pool and obtains additional non-dilutive financing

Following the capital increase in May 2019, Hevatech has enlarged its banking pool, historically made up of Banque Rhône Alpes and BNP Paribas, with the arrival of two new banks: Caisse d'Epargne and Banque Populaire.

In addition to bank financing, Hevatech is also receiving financial support from BPI France to develop its pilot plant.


Hevatech raises €1.3 million in new funds

Hevatech has just completed a €1.3 million round of financing, with Charles GAVE and NALDEO (formerly Bertin Technologies) taking a stake.

The aim of this first round of financing is to boost the company's technical and industrial development, deploy its first demonstrators in its target markets, structure the team and business development, and bring its first products to market.

To view the : Press release dated 20 may 2019

Hevatech strengthens its R&D ecosystem with academic partners

In addition to its collaborations with the CNRS, the University of Lorraine and the University of Grenoble, Hevatech has surrounded itself with leading academic institutions to help it meet R&D challenges.

Strategic development projects will be carried out in partnership with students and researchers from the Ecole de Mines de Paris and the Ecole Catholique des Arts et Métiers de Lyon (ECAM).


Hevatech, finalist in the 2019 “TECHShow” start-up challenge

TECHShow day gave Hevatech the opportunity to showcase its green transition know-how at an industry trade show attended by almost 80 entities.

The innovative nature of TURBOSOL technology was noticed: Hevatech was selected with 7 other candidates to take part in the TECHShow 2019 start-up challenge, which gave rise to a pitch in front of investors and major groups present for the occasion.


Hevatech joins the Industrial Alliance for Competitiveness and Energy Efficiency (ALLICE)

ALLICE has been designated a pilot project by the Alliance Industrie du Futur, and is supported by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) and the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance's Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE). It brings together, mobilizes and supports innovation by all players in the industrial energy efficiency sector - industrial operators, solution providers, specifiers, energy suppliers and research centers.

The structure regularly organizes conferences, trade shows and studies on the decarbonization of industry and its energy transition.

Hevatech joins the TENERRDIS competitiveness cluster as an Innovative Company

Tenerrdis is a competitive cluster for energy transition, contributing to the emergence, development and promotion of innovative solutions for a low-carbon world.

It brings together 272 members and mobilizes all the industrial, institutional, academic and scientific resources of the Auvergne Rhone Alpes region.

On January 18, 2018, the TENERRDIS competitiveness cluster awarded the “Innovative cluster company” label to 4 companies, including Hevatech.

To view the article : Tenerrdis - Innovative start-ups

Hevatech and its TURBOSOL technology honored at the “Trophées Bref Eco de l'Innovation” awards.

The Trophée Bref Eco (over 580 participants) de l'Innovation award ceremony was held on December 18, 2017 at Lyon's city hall. Hevatech is the winner in the Energy-Environment category!

To view the article : Awards "Bref Eco de l'Innovation"

Hevatech wins ENGIE AXIMA's Special Innovation Award

ENGIE Axima, the BtoB services subsidiary of the ENGIE Group, has rewarded Hevatech in its call for innovative solutions for “Waste recovery on an industrial site”.

The TURBOSOL solution was judged interesting and relevant for applications involving the recovery of waste heat in industrial environments at some of its customers.


Hevatech is a winner of the ADEME IPME ERBIA call for projects (Programme Investissement d'Avenir)

This Initiative, launched by ADEME in 2016, aims to support research and development projects that help accelerate the development and market launch of innovative solutions in the fields of industrial energy efficiency.

The project submitted by Hevatech aims to develop a new TURBOSOL process injector 5 times more powerful !

Many thanks to ADEME for its support !